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Giving the reading material some balls

David Brame, a comics artist and fashion professor at Ryerson University, recognized that there wasn’t much out there to educate young men on testicular cancer even though it is the most common form of cancer in North American men from 15-34.
Brame is working with Toronto’s Princess Margaret hospital to publish two comic books to inform people about testicular cancer in a way that appeals to them.
Dr. Joyce Nyhof-Young  said, “Testicular cancer is largely curable if it’s diagnosed early, but because the demographic is so young and boys don’t self-examine and know the signs to look for, it often goes undiagnosed.”
A Courageous Journey tells the protagonist’s process as he is diagnosed and coping with his cancer as adapted from a 2008 paper of the same name co-written by Nyhof-Young. Testicular Cancer: Screening and Diagnosis explains how to do a self exam and what to look for.
Source:Toronto Sun

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