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Goals and Objectives

I have always, at least in recent memory, been a fan of goals and objectives. Now they weren’t always related to advancement and achievement but they were goals nonetheless. In the past few years the process of goal setting, strategy development and the most important part, execution, have become increasingly important. And as you know that process has taken on a whole new meaning for me in the past 14 months, but the process is still valid and has worked for me in a wide variety of situations.

Now that I am at a stage that will see slow progress, and yes once again patience in key, I feel that now is a good time to begin my process again. I have found myself lately making verbal commitments to goals that I would never have made ordinarily, these goals have been both physical and mental challenges.

For example, I have decided that next year I am going to roller blade up Signal Hill, for those of you that have never seen this Hill it is quite something and also as I have mentioned, it is one of my favourite places in the world. I have never been one to take on individual physical challenge like this, as I was most always involved with team sports as I grew up, and continue to grow up. But there have been many first’s in the past several months so keeping with that theme I have added another one. I had originally planned to make my return to the ice this winter, but that doesn’t seem to be within reach at this point, at least not at the level in which I want to return. The same can be said for coaching, as I could return to the bench now, but I wouldn’t be there in the capacity I want. So the one restriction I have placed on my new physical challenges is that to consider them “accomplished” I must perform them at a level that is acceptable to me, and me only.

As for mental challenges I haven’t really set any hard and fast, well defined objectives but I do want start to talk to more people about my experiences as well as their own experiences, whatever they may be. I don’t know what outlets will arise for my exchanges but I’m sure that will work itself out over time. I have been giving my mental challenges in relation to returning to business a lot of thought and haven’t come up with a real solid approach. At this point it is difficult to tell exactly what I want to spend my time doing. There is a part of me that really wants to resume doing what I was doing prior to becoming sick, working for myself and trying to build a business. However there is another part of me that has a lot of trouble picturing myself in those types of environments, but I may not be able tell how I will react until I’m actually in them.

As always you’ll be kept up to date on my thoughts, and in this case my goals and objectives.

Happy New Year,


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