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Journey to Remission: Good-bye to Push Mo

Hey guys, some late night writing, which I have always been accustom to, and I figured no time to stop now. To give you the quick update on things over the past couple of days – things have been flowing well, the Idarubicin which I call “Push” or “Push Mo” has come as far as he will on this journey. We had our last meeting today, and while I’m sure he was helpful I won’t miss him particularly as he was quite troublesome inside me.

My blood counts are still pretty good and my energy is solid. I have been out walking around the hospital a little bit, which is not something I ever did before, as I’m trying not to let myself get too worn down. My sleep schedule is all over the place, as I didn’t get off on a good foot as far back as coming home from Calgary, and I haven’t really had a normal nights sleep since then. And because my schedule is pretty relaxed I can recoup on my sleep during the day time, which I have done for the past 3 days.

Hickman is slowly getting comfortable inside me, but he’s taking his time. This time has required a much more significant adjustment period physically, as my first encounter with Hickman was not near this painful. (That said it was exactly 2 years ago today – the 25th – that my first Hickman made an attempt to kill me, as it was my primary source of infection that lead to me hitting the ICU on this day 2 years ago, and most of you know my struggles from there) A sore neck and some tenderness on my chest is pretty much the situation so far, which is nothing too major, minor discomfort really.

Had “grand rounds” yesterday, which is what they call it when 10 doctors, nurses, med students, and pharmacists come to your room to talk to you about where you are and where they think you’re going. I have a good picture which I’ll hopefully get on the website in the next couple of days for you all to see. And at this “grand” meeting the Docs actually presented the idea that I may be able to head home next Monday or shortly after if I’m infection free and feeling fine. That was quite a shock to me as I figured I was here for the long haul like Game 1 from my first Challenge.

Apparently my past behaviour, and “Professional Patient” status has given them confidence that I will take care of myself and be responsible. So that may be a nice detour on our journey. Of course once my counts bottom out, I
will be susceptible to most any bug or germ, so it is in no way a definite that I’ll be out this time next week. Just a possibly that I didn’t know existed.

The other major development relates to the process, the journey ahead. The Docs have assured me that if we can find the magical place called Remission after this round of chemo that it will make most sense for me to head to Toronto for a Transplant right away. This is another possible road that I didn’t think was quite as close as I have learned, but one that I look forward to having the option of traveling.

All else is solid inside the hospital, and inside me. Thank you all for writing, I do love receiving your mail, and if I don’t respond please know that it’s not because I haven’t read your message. I’ll be back again soon as we continue on the journey.

Live Life. Love Life.


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