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Last Saturday’s Message

I’m going to attempt to send a message I wrote last weekend, it will be in a few parts.

I do realize that I am making it, progress that is. It wasn’t until Thursday that I realized that it was only 4 weeks ago that day that I left the ICU. While my memory is poor of the first few weeks on the floor (i.e. up on 4 North A) I do remember how super dependent I was. To give you an idea, I couldn’t move myself in the bed, that means I couldn’t bend my legs, couldn’t roll over, I could barely move my arm up onto my chest from my side, and I could just lift my head off the pillow. My voice did come back before I left the ICU, but for quite a while I wasn’t talking to people especially strangers and I only slept about 5 hours the first week on the floor as I was afraid I wouldn’t wake up.

Part 1

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