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One year ago today

Well let’s see how I describe this one… it facilitated me regaining control of my life as it was the mechanism by which I received treatment, and then it very nearly lead to me loosing my life as it was the original reason I was sent to the ICU in late July. It caused many problems as I would pull on it often, unintentionally, and cause myself great pain, and it saved me from many needles throughout the past year. It required significant maintenance at first as it had to be cleaned every other day, which I thought I would never be able to do, and then the thinking changed and it required very little attention. It was attached through a hole in my chest and had two ports, which saw a lot of use throughout their time in “action”. It went in while I was sedated and came out while I was wide awake (although I don’t remember the experience as it was during the time in July/August that is blank for me, but I was awake). And I guess the last thing I can say about this “mystery” device is that I still have a bruise on my chest from it’s removal, almost 4 months after the fact.

Of course I am referring to my Hickman Catheter, which you have heard me mention many times over the past year. Funny enough I was thinking about having it taken out the very week before I got an infection that put me in hospital and ultimately the ICU. Everything happens for a reason and so far the only reason I can come up with relating to my ICU experience was that someone somewhere decided that I needed another challenge. Fortunately I was game and will be again should the challenge arise, but I must say I am hoping it doesn’t.

So today’s anniversary is that of getting my Hickman, a nice, kind of wacky Doc put it in, Dr. Smith and for all the trouble it caused I can’t imagine progressing through my treatment without it. Unfortunately “line” infections are one of the few, but major, drawbacks of Hickmans, and any catheter I guess.

More to come,


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