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Preparations, Excitement and Acceptance

Hey everyone. We are 36 hours away from the first launch presentation, and about 54 hours away from having all three done and complete. Things are coming together nicely, I am realizing that no matter how prepared I thought I was, there are always things that arise at the last moments. Although I wouldn’t consider these the last moments, not yet.

I must say that my excitement has started to build as I think and work through my launch presentation. The next few days will be unlike any other that I have ever experienced, yet they will be similar to ones I have already experienced. The core of what I am doing is no different than what I’m doing right now, and have done since that first week in hospital in November of 98, sharing my experience. However this time it is with a whole new audience, potentially a much larger audience, who may or may not be open to taking the Challenge. If things don’t fly as desired within our primary target audience it won’t be due to a lack of effort and preparation. I don’t recall putting this much time and energy into one project ever before. I am aware that effort alone does not ensure success. Time will tell. And as time tells, I will tell.

The acceptance part of this message relates to what I would ordinarily have considered a “step back”. Today I started taking Prednisone again, as my Doc feels it may help my stomach troubles, which have been consistent and a problem for the past 9-10 days. I mentioned this challenge last week, and how it certainly came at an inappropriate time. I used to say that all challenges come at inappropriate times, otherwise they would be considered “opportunities”, but I have since changed my thoughts on that a long time ago. I do think that every situation, challenge or opportunity, can be considered an opportunity, it just depends on your perspective. Sometimes that opportunity is easier to see than others.

Starting Prednisone again today for a couple of days to see how it helps my stomach is a step back from one perspective, but from another it is a positive as it will hopefully allow me to progress through these stomach problems. As with most everything else I’ll keep you updated, but the plan as of today is to try Prednisone for a couple of days and see if that helps me out.

Have a great day and Happy Halloween. Just for fun I have included an attached picture of me exactly 2 years ago on this day. Some of you will remember that night well. The cross-dresser in me seemed to come out on Halloween as I was a woman more often than not. That picture was taken 6 days before my original trip to the hospital. How things change in such a short time, in an instant.

Sorry for the download those of you with a dial-up connection, but I thought it was worth it. I’ll be back again soon, most probably Wednesday or Thursday, to let you know how things go. Any guesses?
Live life. Love life.


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