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Still and Always Learning

Good morning everyone and I hope you had a great weekend. I’m writing with a little collection of thoughts that I pulled together, they weren’t really planned and not part of my “Series” group of lessons, but I felt that it would be good for me to share. Have a great week and I’ll be back again.

Still and Always Learning

If I asked you what the toughest part of a cancer challenge is, what would your answer be? If I were to ask you what specific experience, what specific lesson, what span of time was the toughest challenge, what would you say?

This isn’t a question I get asked very often, not in this way. I am asked about the struggles that people readily associate with cancer: the shock of diagnosis, the chemotherapy, the duration of treatment, and more. I am most always asked about the physical challenges, and there are many of those. I am frequently asked about my positive attitude and how I maintain it. If you were to ask me that question on this Sunday night, at this very minute, this would be my answer.

First of all I feel I maintain a positive attitude because it is my nature. I haven’t thought through the experiences that have lead me in this direction, or provided that disposition, but I know I am extremely positive. Thus it was natural, if somewhat of a struggle, that I would find positivity in this cancer challenge that can seem so very negative. And that I feel has been my greatest challenge, and my greatest accomplishment.

I feel that my ability to remain positive throughout my experience has been one of the greatest accomplishments of my life. And I feel that way because I recognize with each new challenge that it takes serious effort and desire to be positive. I do believe it is the best approach to any challenge and I consistently test this theory.

While I always give my best effort to remain positive, I want you to know that it is definitely not as easy as it may seem. My growing self-awareness has taught me that I can give the perception of ultimate strength, even in times of great weakness. And that is very true, and while I have attempted to let down that front in this forum (and have done so many times), I don’t always succeed, and I do now recognize that. It is a defense mechanism I feel, as in some ways I feel it helps to protect me from whatever challenge I’m facing at that time.

A short while ago we celebrated victory, which would imply that my series is over. That is very much how I looked at things, but to say that all of the challenges relating to my series are over is not accurate. Without talking about the details of my challenges right now, I will say that new and old challenges continue to present themselves. And each time I encounter one I give my best effort to throw my positive attitude at it.

A big part of my positive perspective comes from faith, which I have been exploring more and more lately. I really do feel that all our experiences have purposes, and offer us opportunities to learn lessons. If you look at each experience as a teacher it can do amazing things to your perspective. Bringing your Positive Attitude to a challenge and looking for the lesson really is an amazing experience.

I can tell you that I am doing just that at this moment. While my gut doesn’t much like what’s happening and I don’t feel comfortable or peaceful with this current feeling, I am learning to find comfort with my discomfort (if you can follow that). And my belief is that I experience challenges for a reason, and they are for me to learn and understand. When I understand this one, I’ll share.

Have a great week.

Live Life. Love Life.


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