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There is no such thing as fair

That’s what my Mom always told my brother and I during our younger years. Because there was only two of us, everything had to be split exactly in half or one of us would “raise the roof”, I’m sure you all can relate to what I’m saying.

I’m going to talk about something that you are all aware of, I’m sure of that, but I’m also fairly sure that you don’t think about it much. For good reason sometimes, and not for other times. As much as you have heard me talk about “attitude is everything” and I have attempted to give you first hand experience with the “power of positive thinking and determination”, there is a part of me that believes there are so many other forces at work that often times your attitude and strategy can’t overcome the challenges laid before you. I know that each time I have heard news of a fellow Cancer patient loosing their series it has affected me in a way that I have never experienced before. I have known people who have fought much harder than I and others who have simply not had the great will required to win, for many different reasons, and people from both sides of the spectrum have lost their series regardless of their approach. This knowledge is the source of my belief that sometimes the “other” forces are too great for given people, and it is the thought of those given people that really leaves me wondering. Who decides who those “given” people will be, who or what decides who wins and who looses? I know that for these questions there are many answers, or at the same time no answers. But what it does is make me realize how lucky I am to have fought the battle I have and still be here able to write to you all and continue my progress back to a healthy state. That said, perhaps the most significant affect of these situations to which I am referring is that they provide me with incredible motivation to improve the situations of anyone involved with Cancer. And fairly simply put that will be the mission of “RealTime Cancer”, which is the name of the organization that I am anxious to establish. I have mentioned it in the past and will no doubt be mentioning it again in the future.

For today I want you all to know how lucky I am to be here, and how lucky you all are as well. Life is precious and should never be taken for granted as no matter your state you never know when it will end. I believe that our choices, both those made on a daily basis and those affecting us over the long-term, greatly influence our ’state’, for lack of a better word, and considering we have little or no control over those other forces I mentioned I believe we must focus on what we can control and make the best choices possible.

You have heard me mention 4 North A, which is the area of the hospital where I stay when I am admitted. Last night I discovered that in February of this year alone there were 14 people who lost their battle, last night I also learned that an incredible lady, who I only met once but was connected with over the past year, lost her battle. And her experience was a battle, tougher than some, not as tough as others, as is the case with most every situation, but she fought like a champ through challenges that are difficult even for me to imagine. Her courage and strength have given me additional fuel for my fight and I look forward to making a difference in her memory.

There you have my thoughts for another day, hope you have a good one.


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