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Prelude to my Decision

I am writing from 39,000 feet on my way home from TO, specifically Halifax where I spent some of the day. I am planning to write some detail on the decision facing me, the yes or no to Transplant in case you haven’t been following lately. To give you some additional detail regarding what’s involved with the Transplant process I will describe the ‘usual’ or hopeful process as discussed in my assessment.

The Process: I will be required to be in Toronto two weeks prior to Transplant date for a bone marrow test and some blood work as well as other physical tests, such as lung capacity, heart function, etc. I don’t think I will have to stay the full two weeks but that is undetermined. From there I will check into Princess Margaret (PMH) 6 days prior to Transplant, as I will receive both chemo and radiation treatment. The treatment will be three days of chemo followed by three days of radiation at which point I should be sufficiently beaten down that my body will accept my Dad’s marrow. The Transplant only takes a little while, a couple of hours I think, and I will be required to stay in hospital for about 4 weeks afterward. These four weeks will be spent in isolation, and it is much tighter isolation than the self-induced isolation of the Eaton Complex. My Mom and I had a quick look at the 14th floor of PMH and it is tight, we didn’t go through the “isolation” doors, but the floor looks very nice, everything that I saw including the first and second floors, was very modern and comfortable. So ideally after these four weeks I will be able to leave the hospital but will still be required to stay in Toronto for approximately a month. Following this month I should be able to come home, where I will continue to be treated for the various number of complications that are bound to arise.

That is a simplistic view of the Transplant process with relation to duration and location, most everything I’ve been told indicates that recovery and entrance into what I have been referring to as “normal” life takes about a year. The Transplant decision is something I have thought about but have not formed a solid opinion on and my second visit to the Toronto Hospital further complicated matters. The Toronto Hospital was where I was attempting to bank my sperm, and unfortunately the first two rounds of chemo have taken their toll and at present I am sterile. The length of my sterility is unknown and more significantly a Transplant would dramatically increase the chances of me being sterile forever. There are no accurate numbers but I have been told 99% of Transplant patients are permanently sterile. At this point in my life I really feel I want to have my own kids, and a Transplant will most definitely make that impossible. This drawback is one long-term drawback that really needs some thinking, and so far it is occupying much of the few minutes I have spent thinking about my Transplant decision.

My ideal scenario would have been to bank sperm this past week and then analyze the Transplant for the short and long term affects it would have on me, and my ability to do things I have always done or planned to do. I did not think or wish to have my future family desires come into this equation, but that is some what typical of my situation as I didn’t really request to be where I am today either. It needs dealing, so I’m gong to deal.

I am planning to disappear for a few days after I get home and begin to think about thinking about my decision, I don’t know where to begin or how to proceed. I will be making it up as I go, much the same as I have thus far except the stakes within my Series keep reaching new heights and this may very well be the peak of the decision challenges. Only time will tell.

Either way I am scheduled to begin third round chemo in the next several days, which is another decision that I must make within the next few days. I will most definitely go ahead with Game 3, as it is not in my best interests to go without treatment for an extended period of time, especially in the midst of a treatment regiment. I will touch base in the next few days or as my thoughts work through the decision process, take care and have a good one.


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