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Ten years in

YACC is 10 years in today, here are 10 cool things we’ve done:
10. Starting: I gladly accept credit for this one, as it was I who gave YACC the initial push in 2000. My credit quickly fades in bullets nine through one as we are a growing crew of professionals who come to work every day, survivors and supporters connected and committed to helping YACC, health professionals, and volunteers emotionally engaged in YACC’s work and of course event participants and donors who believe in the value of our programs. We are a cast of thousands, literally.
9.  65,000: The number of students from across Canada who have been encouraged to “Always… Live life. Love life.”
8. Web: Creating Canada’s first web community for young adults diagnosed with cancer.
7. Retreat Yourself 2005: Our first face-to-face event with survivors; the beginning of our national network of survivors.
* We would not have done this without the network of health professionals who believed in our new organization and brand new program. Although they had few or no other options for young adults, their trust helped us take this next great step and it revolutionized our organization.
6. Climb: Every year since 2000, we’ve had over 4,300 Climbers scattered across Canada and around the world. We will again this year. Climb, that is.
5. Survivor Conference: Our “family reunion” to get informed, inspired, and reconnect with peers who “get it.”
4. Shave for the Brave: If you haven’t, you should. Since 2006, 3,800 people have raised over $740,000 to support young adults with cancer. This event has also revolutionized our organization and we will be bringing it to a theatre (not really a theatre) near you. If you want to help you should connect with me ([email protected]).
3. Thirty-six per cent: Average annual revenue growth topping with $600,000 in 2009-10. We’ve come a long way since 2000, with over $2.3M raised. I hope that we’ll do that per year before my youngest finishes kindergarten.
2. 20,400: Visits to YACC’s web community in 2009-10. Despite this growth we know a massive percentage of the 6,500 young adults diagnosed with cancer this year will deal in isolation from peers who get it. This, too, we will change.
1. Continuing: We are and we will continue to empower young adults diagnosed with cancer to live life and love life.
For a very few moments a couple of times this week we’ll stop, reflect on, and celebrate our success from the past 10 years. Then we will jump back into our path and our firm belief that our best is yet to come.
Whatever your role in the past 10 years, thank you for playing it. If you haven’t yet had a role with YACC, it is waiting for you.
Live life. Love life.

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